Diarrhoea – Symptoms, Causes, Self-Care, and Treatments

You don’t always think about diarrhoea tablets when you’re faced with this ailment. Of course, no one thinks about tablets, medicines, or anything other than when will it stop. Diarrhoea is one of the most unpleasant and uncomfortable illnesses anyone can face. It really does take a lot of energy out of the body and can be dangerous too. So, what are the symptoms and causes of diarrhoea, and what treatments are available?

The Typical Symptoms of Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea involves sudden movements of the bowel. For the most part, it can be a one-off thing or can last for up to 2 weeks. Diarrhoea tablets may be necessary to help but will depend on the exact cause behind it. Loose and watery stools are very common symptoms of diarrhoea, but there are many others to be watchful over. Those can include the following:

  • Abdominal Cramps or Stomach Pains
  • Fevers and Headaches
  • Dehydration and Weakness
  • Feeling Sick or even Vomiting
  • A Loss of Appetite and Bloating

Typically, you will feel as though you must go to the bathroom and it’s an awful feeling. There is nothing you can do when you have that certain feeling or pain. It is not a pleasant experience for anyone to go through, whether child or adult. Know more here!

The Causes of Diarrhoea

There are a variety of reasons why you might experience diarrhoea. For instance, you have picked up a bug and usually it’s a short-term illness that is gone within a day or two. Of course, there are also chronic conditions that can cause diarrhoea on a long-term scale. It could be down to a viral infection or by consuming contaminated food. Diarrhoea may also be the result of changes to the diet and eating certain types of foods or ingredients that don’t agree with your body. In those cases, diarrhoea tablets might be necessary. It could even be down to IBS.

Self-Care and Treatments for Diarrhoea

It all depends on the cause of the problem. For instance, if diarrhoea is down to the type of foods you eat, it may mean changing the diet to avoid those things. On the other hand, diarrhoea could be down to medication and it being a side effect. For that, you need to speak to your doctor if it’s chronic. You could find diarrhoea tablets helps when it’s a one-off problem. More often than not, a bit of self-care is needed. That means resting and drinking plenty of water or fluids to replace the ones you lost.

Take Care of Your Body

There are a dozen different reasons why you might experience diarrhoea. For the most part, it can be fairly minor and usually, you’ll recover after a few days. However, if you are worried about dehydration or it seems to have gone on for a considerable period, it’s best to contact a doctor. It might be nothing, but it’s always best to get things checked out. Diarrhoea tablets could help when it’s down to nerves, but you could always consult a doctor if you’re unsure. Read our another article: https://www.eastrivervet.com/paracetamol-for-children/

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Paracetamol for Children

The new age-specific guideline stipulates the correct dosages of liquid Paracetamol for Children, eliminating the tiered dosages currently in use. Also the guidelines host seven narrower age bands covering children who are from 3 months to 12 years. The dosages have been updated to more exactly define the amount of paracetamol to be administered to children of various ages, and not due to safety concerns over recommended dosages currently.

Despite the variations, liquid paracetamol remains an effective way to treat pain as well as fever in children in the short term. They emphasize that parents would not worry about the doses of liquid Paracetamol for Children that they have provided their children earlier, as following the previous instructions will not have caused them any harm.

What Are the New Dosages for Children?

Liquid Paracetamol Doses for Children were formerly defined based on three age groups –

  • From 3 months to less than 1 year: 2.5 ml of paracetamol suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.
  • From 1 year to less than 6 years: from 5 to 10 ml of paracetamol suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.
  • From 6 years to 12 years: from 5 to 10 ml of paracetamol six-plus suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.

But these classic dosage approvals are currently being replaced by new ones that organize children into seven more exactly defined age groups:

  • From 3 months to 6 months: 2.5 ml of paracetamol suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.
  • From 6 months to 24 months: 5 ml of paracetamol suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.
  • From 2 years to 4 years: 7.5 ml of paracetamol suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.
  • From 4 years to 6 years: 10 ml of paracetamol suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.
  • From 6 to 8 years: 5 ml of paracetamol six-plus suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.
  • From 8 to 10 years: 7.5 ml of paracetamol six-plus suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.
  • From 10 to 12 years: 10 ml of paracetamol six-plus suspension, given maximum 4 times a day.

Parents can still use the existing three-dose levels, even though the next dose is simply more accurate as well as easier for parents or caregivers to follow. Learn more!

Has Paracetamol Been Changed in Any Way?

No, the concentration and ingredients of the drugs have not changed yet. The suggested age ranges for infant formulas and those over 6 years remain unchanged. Meaning that children under the age of six should still receive Paracetamol Suspension and children 6 years and over should take six-year formulas.

Why Has the Dosage Changed?

The updated dosing guidelines are designed to make sure that children are getting the most effective amount of paracetamol and that the drug is administered in the best possible way. The variations have not been prepared because of safety concerns. And also parents and caregivers should not worry about using the above dosages in the past.

Moreover, these variations were designed to clarify precisely how much Paracetamol a child should take and remove the ranges that were suggested before. Using these more specific guidelines ensures that children take the optimal dose.

How Can I Ensure My Dosages Are Correct?

The recent guidelines update the dosage recommendations as well as encourage parents or caregivers to use the measuring spoon given with the medication to make sure that the correct amount of medication is administered to children.

We suggest that parents and caregivers always use the measuring spoon, measuring syringe, or cap that comes with the product, and not a regular scoop to estimate the precise amount. We also suggest that you shake the bottle well before providing the dose to make sure that the Paracetamol for Children is consistently distributed in the liquid. You can know more at: https://www.eastrivervet.com/how-safe-is-paracetamol-for-children/

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How Safe Is Paracetamol for Children?

While having a high temperature is not always a bad thing, as it may assist the immunity of your body. It can make you feel very uncomfortable and anxious. This is actually the case for children and can lead to disturbing nights for parents. But it is vital to know that while taking Paracetamol may make people feel comfortable, it does not influence the actual course of the underlying disease.

Paracetamol is one of the most widely used over-the-counter medications, in particular for mild illnesses that a lot of children now suffer from. However, it is not always used in the right dosage that can make it dangerous or less effective.

How Can Paracetamol Be Given for Children?

Paracetamol for children is available all over the world as:

  1. Liquid formulations (for example – suspensions or elixirs)
  2. Tablets (for example – chewable and soluble tablets) and
  3. Suppositories.

Make Sure the Dose Is Correct

If used correctly, Paracetamol is a valuable medicine for children to feel more comfortable if they have pain and minor illnesses. Knowing and verifying the usual dosages is essential for parents to use it effectively and safely. The usual dose of Paracetamol for children depends on their weight. According to your child’s weight, you should always administer the dose that is written on the bottle or package.

Calculating Dosage

The correct dose of Paracetamol is 10 to 15 mg per kilogram of child’s weight. On the other hand, if a child weighs 18 to 20 kg, it should have 10 to 15 mg x 20, which is 200 to 300 mg. This dosage can be taken once every 5 to 6 hours, a maximum of four times in 24 hours when required. Actually, all Paracetamol Products for children have clear advice on the packaging or container that describes the correct dosage of tablets, liquid, or suppositories to provide.

It is always suggested to provide the lowest dose that is very efficient for the shortest time. You should never exceed the suggested dose without the instruction of your doctor. Kids shouldn’t take a total of more than 65 mg per kilogram of their body weight in 24 hours. Caution is required never to exceed the paracetamol dose for adults 4000 mg/day, which may happen whether a weight-based dose is useful to children weighing more than 60 kg. Click here!

Be Careful When Using Liquid Preparations

Sometimes problems can get up due to confusion between the ways things are measured. Keep in mind that “mL” is a measure of liquid volume and “mg” is a measure of weight. It is vital to follow the instructions on the container when providing Paracetamol in liquid form, as not all brands have similar strengths.

Paracetamol is available now in various strengths for different age groups. You must check the instructions of the dosage on the bottle. Be sure to use the measuring device that comes with your medicine to make sure you are giving the usual dose.

Safe Use of Paracetamol for Children

It is vital to see if other medicines your child has taken contain Paracetamol as well as to see if another caregiver has provided your child a dose of Paracetamol. Keep in mind that Paracetamol for Children can take up to 60 minutes to work.

When to See the Doctor

Paracetamol can aid your child feel comfortable, however, it does not treat the reason for their symptoms. The intake of Paracetamol does not influence the real course of the underlying disease, its severity, or its outcome.

When your child is clearly ill and has already moderate to severe pain that lasts for more than some hours, or has been in need of Paracetamol for more than 24 hours, you must consult your doctor. If you need to know more, check out https://www.eastrivervet.com/does-paracetamol-in-pregnancy-cause-child-behavioral-problems/

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What mosquito bite creams are available?

Mosquito bite can be bothersome and awkward. Insect bite cream are accessible to help lessen itching and give transitory alleviation until the nibble recuperates.

Mosquito nibble creams can help give alleviation from itching symptoms. The following are a couple of various kinds.

Hydrocortisone creams

Hydrocortisone skin cream can treat an assortment of skin conditions, for example, dermatitis.  It is a corticosteroid, a class of insect bite cream  that copies how a characteristic chemical diminishes aggravation.

It can likewise help soothe itching from mosquito bite. The medication is accessible as a balm or cream, with various focuses.


Antihistamines can treat hypersensitivities and are appropriate for creepy crawly nibbles or stings. As per the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), they block histamine receptors to forestall responses, for example, aggravation from a chomp.

They can likewise lessen itching and expanding following a bug chomp, and come in different structures, including creams.

There are a few sorts of antihistamine creams. Some are remedy just, yet many are accessible over the counter.

Individuals can purchase the accompanying antihistamine creams without a solution. Read more!

Anthisan Bite and Sting Cream

Anthisan insect bite cream treats agony and itching from bug nibbles, stings, and rashes from stinging brambles.

The item contains mepyramine maleate, a kind of antihistamine.  Nonetheless, an individual ought to try not to utilize this cream on regions of broken skin or dermatitis.

Anthisan Bite and Sting Cream is accessible for buy on the web.

Benadryl Itch Stopping Cream

Benadryl Itch Stopping Cream is another sort of antihistamine. It contains 1% diphenhydramine hydrochloride. The cream additionally contains 0.1% zinc acetic acid derivation, which ensures the skin. Benadryl Itch Stopping Cream is accessible for buy on the web.

Home treatment alternatives

An individual ought to try not to scratch mosquito nibbles. This can deteriorate symptoms and increment the possibility of disease.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest washing nibbles with sudsy water.

Different tips for treating bite at home include:

  • Ice: Can help diminish growing and itching. An individual can apply an ice pack for 10 minutes all at once.
  • Baking pop: An individual can blend 1 tablespoon of heating powder in with water and apply this glue straightforwardly on to nibbles. They should leave it on for 10 minutes prior to washing off.

Nature’s Willow Bug Bite Balm


The maker express this item contains white willow bark and helichrysum. It might help lessen torment, itching, and expanding.

They likewise say it contains the accompanying fundamental oils:

  • lemongrass
  • geranium
  • lavender
  • camphor
  • menthol


Female mosquitos chomp people to devour blood. In doing as such, they cause disturbance and growing yet can likewise send some amazingly unsafe and once in a while lethal diseases.

They can likewise cause unsafe unfavorably susceptible responses in certain individuals.

Intestinal sickness, dengue fever, and yellow fever are a couple of mosquito-borne conditions. Forestalling mosquito nibbles can involve life-and-demise in zones where these bite conditions are predominant.


There are a couple of effective alternatives for repellent showers, including DEET, picaridin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus. Antihistamine and hydrocortisone creams can help mitigate expanding.

It is fundamental to get ready for movement to mosquito-hefty zones with the suitable inoculations. Look for earnest insect bite cream consideration if a nibble happens and a boundless rash, fever, and cerebral pain create. You can know more at https://www.eastrivervet.com/top-four-places-to-live-on-the-sunshine-coast/

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Insect bites and stings prevention

Insect bites are such frustrating pains that sometimes ends up leaving their mark on you if care is not taken which leaves you with a burning question      “do insects just wake up anytime and decide to be violent?” weird right? But do they?

Because I cannot begin to imagine how insect bites have ruined peoples’ days around the world. A very sad happening that we have little or no control over.

Venomous and non-venomous insects

Insect to look out for that bites can either be venomous or non-venomous. Venomous insect involves wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, all bees and fire ants. While non-venomous insects are; chiggers, ticks, bed bugs, mosquitoes, lice, scabies and fleas.

These insects are not similar in every aspects. While venomous insect stings and cause local reactions like pain, swelling and allergic reactions; non venomous insect bites and cause diseases like malaria and Lyme. Both category cause itching, depending on the individuals system.

In case of an insect bite or sting, it is advisable to not hit the insects on your skin in an attempt to kill it. Rather, blow it away with your mouth or use a blunt object to gently push it away. But never hit an insect against your skin. More details!

What can I do to protect myself from being bitten or stung?

  • First form of prevention is knowing the right thing when bitten or you find an insect on your skin. Do not panic in cases where stinging insects are involved. Move away from the insects quietly. Do not swat them or run away as they may feel threatened and still try to sting you.
  • Do not wear brightly colored clothes, use scented soaps, perfumes or cologne and hair sprays; as these things can attract insects. Avoid these things especially when going hiking in bushy areas or mount climb.
  • When going outdoors (hiking, mount climbing), avoid wearing loose fitted clothes as they tend to trap insects to themselves.
  • It is also advisable to iron clothes before wearing them. Especially when they were spread outside to sun dry them.
  • Avoid keeping dirty dishes and water as they are breeding zones for insects. If you are going to keep dirty dishes, make sure you rinse them of all left over food and stack them properly on the sink. Also, any stale dirty water should be disposed of immediately. Close all dirty bins properly, so that you don’t give these insects any breeding space.
  • Use insect repellants in places that are insect infested. Do not apply too much. Follow instructions on the packaging and adhere strictly to it. If you notice any side reaction to the cream, see a doctor and never use it again. My personal advice is staying away from places that likely to breed insects like still ponds.
  • Insect bite creams and corticosteroid tablets are advisable to use, especially when the damage has been done. The cream is topically applied to reduce itching, while the tablets should be taken after prescriptions by a doctor.

We have experienced painful insect bite at one point or the other in our life. The aforementioned tips to prevent it will go a long way to prevent being bitten. Insect bite cream should be used in case you notice any inflammation. For more information, visit: https://www.eastrivervet.com/does-paracetamol-in-pregnancy-cause-child-behavioral-problems/

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Does Paracetamol In Pregnancy Cause Child Behavioral Problems?

Paracetamol for children is popular but it sparks a fiery debate among parents. Some parents say children should never be given paracetamol and those who say otherwise. Then, some expectant parents refuse to use paracetamol during pregnancy. It’s a controversial and confusing area to dissect. It’s actually possible to understand both points for and against the use of paracetamol during and after pregnancy but does it really cause behavior problems?

Paracetamol in Pregnancy

Paracetamol is used to deal with minor pains and help bring down a temperature. It’s widely used and many pregnant women use it as well. However, as with any medicine or drug, it should only be used as and when it’s actually needed. This means it shouldn’t be used every day and for no more than three to five days in a row. Usually, it deals with minor aches and pains and the problem goes away. When the pains are persistent, a consultation with a doctor might be necessary. Paracetamol for children can be safe, as long as it’s used correctly. For pregnant women, it’s generally considered to be safe.

No Known Links

A lot of expectant mothers are worried about paracetamol and its use during pregnancy. Some believe it can cause behavior problems for the child in later life; however, as yet, there doesn’t seem to be any concrete links. Studies are still in their infancy when it comes to pain medication and its infrequent use during pregnancy. Of course, the development of babies and children can take different routes with prolonged or constant drug abuse and prescription misuse. If paracetamol is used the way it’s intended for, (properly) then there shouldn’t be any cause for concern. Every expectant mother will have an opinion over this. Paracetamol for children can generally be safe, even in pregnancy.Read more

A Personal Choice for Paracetamol for Children 

There will be some mothers who say children should never be given paracetamol (or indeed any painkiller) until they turn eighteen. Then, there will be other mothers who say they’re happy to give their child paracetamol. The truth is that every expectant mother has an opinion over the use of paracetamol and paracetamol for children. If you aren’t sure or worried about using paracetamol during your pregnancy (or giving liquid paracetamol to a child) contact your doctor and speak with them. They may be the best professionals to get advice from. 

Seek Advice 

This argument or debate will rage on because everyone has an opinion over the use of paracetamol during pregnancy. The trouble is that if you’re unsure, the mess leaves you more confused than anything else and it’s a problem. However, if you need more clarity, it’s best to talk to your long-term doctor and they may help clear the matter up for you. You can read all sorts of opinions online and hear from people you know but sometimes, it’s best to talk to a qualified physician. Paracetamol for children and the debate during pregnancy will continue, so seek help from someone in the know. 

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